A Non-Denominational, Christian Church


We have all sorts of events going on at the Rio! We believe that Christ has designed us to live out our Christian lives in the context of a community of other believers who love the Lord. If you're already a part of our community or if wanting to find out what living in a Christian community looks like, you're in the right place. All of our events are designed to help us grow closer to God and to each other.

We have several different ways to find out about the events we have going on. There are three really helpful ways to get a flyover of all of our events.

There is a brief overview of many of our events below. 

We also have a Google calendar, which will give you a good look at the different events we have going on in a calendar view. It's also super useful if you want to know what events are going on for a specific date. If you want more info on any of these events on the calendar, keep scrolling down to get detailed info on each event!

If you want updates about our events emailed to your inbox (we send out an email about twice a month), you can sign up by pressing the button below to subscribe to our mailing list. These emails have the most in-depth and current information about our events. So if you want to be in-the-know, you might try our emails! You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email.  


Connecting Online:

If you cannot attend in person, services are available live on YouTube at 10 a.m. on Sundays. 

Recordings of previous messages are on the TEACHINGS page.

Our small groups are meeting in small groups (thus the name).

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/theriochurch/
The Rio Church - Westside Campus- https://www.facebook.com/groups/181600608562475/

Rio Airport Worship Playlist on Spotifyon Apple Music. Rio West Worship Playlist on Spotify

Subscribe to e-mail updates here.


Men’s Prayer
Fridays @ 7 a.m. 

Dove and I have been praying with some other M28 men on Friday mornings over Zoom. However, most of the men do that at a Thursday morning meeting, and Roger Everhart is almost always the only other one who joins us. (Roger was here in EP with his family for a few years and is currently pastoring a new house church in Severance, CO.) We’d love to open up this meeting to any of you men (or young men) who would like to join us. We share requests for a bit, pray, and then end at 8, but if you had to duck out early we’d be thankful for whatever time we were blessed to have you join us. Here is the sign-in link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/94092096241?pwd=YjVZNmxTWmFjdTNRVmdsdG5qRG9lUT09


Youth Group

Friday nights at 7 at 155 McCutcheon   

Youth group is for kids from 12 years old through high school. Parents are welcome and encouraged to come.

Throughout the summer, weather permitting, we meet at 5:45 at the West Side Park for outreach and then head to youth group at 6:45. We invite people to ask one question about God and try to answer the best we can from Scripture, and then they get a free root beer float! This is an easy and effective way to engage people in spiritual conversation, and everyone always has a great time! Please be in prayer for us!


  • 5/24-6/21 Regular park outreach & youth meetings
  • 6/28 No outreach & no meeting - Youth backpacking (more info below)
  • 7/5-7/19 Regular park outreach & youth meetings
  • 7/26 No outreach & no youth meeting (DTC youth conference (more info below))


WOW (Women of the Word)

Monday, May 20th  – 6:30 p.m. at 155 McCutcheon  
(Also: Aug 26 @ 7 p.m. for the Fall Kick-off)

End of the year movie night.


Men of God

Saturday, May 25th, 8 a.m. at 155 McCutcheon  
Also: June 15, Aug 3, Sep 28

Years ago, I (Steve) came across this verse: [The Sovereign LORD declared,] “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.” (Eze. 22:30) I thought, how sad, that no man was willing to be God’s man. I certainly don’t claim to be more of that man than any man alive at that time. That would seem to be thinking a bit too highly of myself. Yet I desire to be that man. Like Isaiah, I want to say, “Here I am. Send me!” I want God to use my life. I don’t know exactly what that looks like, but I know that I’m not much on my own. God has made us a body and a family. We need each other. My desire is that we would be committed to one another and be devoted to meeting regularly and spurring one another on. Men, let’s join together at MOG. I need you, Men, and we need one another!


Men’s Hangout
Saturday night, June 1st, 6:00 @ Josh Trigg’s (1453 Plaza Roja Ct)

Come hang out for some food, fellowship, and friendly competition. We’ll have a BBQ at 6 and a ping pong tournament at 7. It’s going to be an awesome time!


Lunch after church

Sunday, June 2nd (Also: July 7, Aug 4, Sep 1)

Every month we have lunch together after church. This allows people to stay for a few extra minutes since they are going to eat anyway. It is very hard to develop meaningful relationships in our busy society, so we would like to foster relationship building in any way we can. Please hang out, enjoy some lunch, and meet someone new! Everyone is welcome!


Women’s Group Coffee Dates
Monday night, June 3rd, 7-8:15 @ Corner Bakery
Also: June 17, July 1, July 15, July 29


Small Group Leaders Meeting
Monday, June 10th, 7 p.m., Location TBA
(Also: Aug 12, Oct 14)


Women's Group Walking Dates
Wednesday morning, June 12, 8-9 @ Kathleen's house (725 Montclair Dr.)
(Also: June 26, July 10, July 24)


Over 50ish Lunch

Sunday, June 16th, 12:15ish at Jason’s Deli
(Also: July 21, Aug 18, Sep 15)

We are going to meet at Jason’s Deli (7410 Remcon Circle) with the agenda of hanging out and having some great fellowship. If you can remember phones with chords and rotary dials, playing with lawn darts, and typewriters, this lunch is for you. We hope you can make it (no longevity joke intended)!


Youth Backpacking
June 28-29

Parents and teens are invited to join the 2024 Rio youth group backpacking trip! We're going to hike Friday and Saturday, June 28-29. The current plan is to hike the Argentina Peak and Little Bonito Trail loop up by Ruidoso but in the past, we've had to make last minute changes and adjustments due to weather, forest fires, etc., so this plan is tentative.

For those who haven't gone on a trip yet, here's a little of what the weekend will look like and what to expect. Friday morning, we'll meet (maybe at the church building parking lot) around 8ish and carpool together to the trailhead and begin hiking around 11. We'll hike all afternoon to the campsite which is a mountainside where we'll put up tents and cook a shared dinner together. There's time for sitting around the campfire (depending on fire restrictions), singing, marshmallows, etc. The next morning, we cook our own breakfasts and hang out till lunch. Then we break camp and head back down the mountain to the cars. In the past, we've stopped for dinner at a fast-food restaurant on the drive home and arrived late in the evening on Saturday.

For tenting, we'll group boys with boys and girls with girls. Parents can share a tent with their child or bring their own, depending on your preference and tent sizes. We'll figure out those details as we get closer to the date. If you'd like to go, you will need a backpacking pack. No backpacks or rucksacks allowed. You will need a sleeping bag, pad, sturdy shoes for hiking, water bottle and rain coat. You'll need to pack in your own breakfast and lunch and part of the shared dinner we make together. Pack out your own trash. We'll replenish our water with filtered water from the stream on the hike. Dove and Tom have filters and camping stoves for us to use.

The hike is a 6.2 mile loop with 1,279 ft. elevation gain. It starts at 8,000 feet which is an adjustment. The pack you'll be carrying will weigh 25 or more pounds. The first day will be the hardest. Please prepare for the trip by doing some hiking beforehand.

It's been a lot of fun in the past! We hope you can join us. Please let Holly know if you are interested.


Fiesta (Potluck, worship, and communion)

Wednesday, July 17th, 6 p.m. at the Rio church building
(Also: Sep 18, Nov 20)

Fiestas are a great opportunity to worship together as a church family through praise, prayer, and communion. We also love to glorify God by telling one another what He has been doing in our lives. Before our upcoming Fiesta, please take a few minutes to see if God would put anything on your heart to share—a verse that has been meaningful, an answer to prayer, or a way that God is at work in your life.

** A-M Main Dish; N-Z Side dish & a dessert  (Please bring enough to serve 10.) ** 

Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. NIV


DTC Youth Conference
July 25-28
Discipleship Training Camp 2024

Join other teens/parents in colorful Colorado as we learn about what it means to be men and women of God in today’s world. DTC is our annual summer youth conference for incoming 8th graders to just-graduated seniors. We will split up with the gals at Camp Cedaredge (www.campcedaredge.com) in Cedaredge, Colorado and the guys at Mountaintop Retreat (www.mountaintopretreat.com). The camps are about an hour apart.

The cost should be around $120 / person. That should cover food at the conference, lodging, and part of the gas. M28 has already subsidized $50 / person to help with the cost (or it would have been $170), and the Rio will cover the rest of the gas. We may do some sort of fundraiser to help the students be able to pay their way. Each person will be responsible for their own travel meals up and back as well as souvenirs acquired along the way.  
The first night (Thur, July 25) starts at 7. We'll leave El Paso around 5:30 in the morning. We will aim to get in around 5:30 to check in and leave a little buffer room. Check out will be at 10 a.m. on Sunday, July 28. We will plan to get back to El Paso around 10 that night.
To register, e-mail Steve with the name, e-mail, t-shirt size, and dietary restrictions of the person registering. We’ll worry about the finances and other details later. (Parents who attend will also need to register and pay.)

Discipleship Training Camp (DTC) is developed by M28. Visit www.m28alliance.com for more information. More details to come.   


Church Camp Out 
Friday, Aug 9, 2024

We are going to have an awesome church camp-out at Black Bear Group Campground near Cloudcroft. We’ll fellowship over a potluck dinner on Friday night at 6 and have some s’mores. The other meals are on your own. The cost is $15/family. We had to reserve a minimum of two nights, so we also have Thursday night reserved. Feel free to head up early if you’d like an extra night of camping.

Directions: From Cloudcroft, turn south onto NM130. Continue for 1 mile and turn left (east) onto Forest Road 24B (just across the road from the Deerhead Campground entrance). The entrance will be on your right-hand side.


Strong & Courageous Men’s Conference

Friday & Saturday, August 30-31
Labor Day Weekend

Mission Trip to El Paso
October 10-13 (Thur - Sun)

Like last year, we are going to take a mission trip to our own city! We are praying for a core group of about 20 people  who will commit to this and treat it just like a mission trip. We will meet and prepare before the trip, take off work, house together, and do lots of faith-stretching things. The rest of the church will be a support team just like we have been in the past for visiting mission teams. We will reach out with the message of Jesus in our own community, to our own people, in a way that we can follow up on our connections for lasting fruit. Please pray about joining in!

2 Timothy 4:2a Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season!


Summer 2026



To bless our neighboring businesses, please don't park north of the handicapped parking spots.


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